Who We Are

Fully Accredited Team

EPA Health provides fully accredited exercise physiology for clients of all ages and abilities. From tailored exercise programs to behavioural modification support and dietary recommendations, we offer holistic treatments that are designed to improve the overall health and well-being of every client.

From chronic medical conditions to severe injuries, our accredited exercise physiologists can assist you in reducing pain, increasing mobility and improving your lifestyle. Our goal is to help you prevent, manage and recover from a number of conditions, while giving you the right guidance to make healthier choices outside of the clinic.

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Department of Veterans Affairs

Launched by Sabrina, an ex-veteran who served in Afghanistan, EPA Health is passionate about providing treatment for veterans who suffer the physical and mental scars of war. With full coverage available for Department of Veterans Affairs referrals, we are here to give you the help you need. 

Our service is holistic, with professional exercise physiologists who attempt to address physical and mental conditions at once. That’s the power of exercise, movement and the mind-to-body connection. With the right support and guidance, we believe clients can significantly improve their well-being and achieve their goals. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does an exercise physiologist do and how can they help me?

    We are allied health professionals who specialise in exercise prescription for people with chronic conditions or injuries. Common conditions include heart disease, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, COPD, diabetes, chronic pain, mental health and more.

  • Do you charge a gap for your services?

    No, we bulk bill! You are completely covered by your WorkCover, DVA or NDIS referral.

  • What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

    Any necessary referral (Medicare/D904 or other) medical history, medication lists, a drink bottle, towel, loose comfortable clothing and closed toed shoes.

  • What can I expect during my appointments?

    The first session will be an initial consultation where we will gather your full medical history and complete a physical assessment to help guide us to create an exercise program specifically for you which is then administered in the following sessions. You are reassessed at a later date to evaluate your progress and advance the program if necessary.

  • What is the difference between a physiotherapist and exercise physiologist?

    Physiotherapists use a hands-on approach and often diagnose injuries in the acute stages whereas an exercise physiologist treats people who already have a diagnosed condition and specialise in exercise prescription as a form of treatment for your conditions.

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